
Giant serpents can be found in the histories of almost every civilization on Earth, and Brazilian history is no exception.  The Botat, a serpent of immense proportions, is one of Brazil’s oldest and most famous monsters.  Its original name, “Boitatá”, comes from the Tupi words “mboi” (snake) and “tata” (fire), and it was known throughout Brazil long before Europeans ever set foot there.

The Botat appears only at night, and always covered in a glowing blue flame.  The flame burns flesh but not foliage, and cannot be doused.  In fact, the creature hides at the bottom of lakes and rivers during the day.

When someone gets close enough to see through the serpent’s flame (an unfortunate case indeed!), they see the scales beneath shimmering in many colors, like a rainbow in a watery mist.  Globes of fire burn in place of eyes, and those who make eye contact with the beast go mad.

In “The Fortuitous Meeting”, Antonio Dias Caldas and Diego tell of their battle against this amazing serpent.

2 Responses to “Botat”

  1. The Elephant and Macaw Banner » The Botat Battle

    […] spectacular image of the Boitat by Carolina Mylius is just a sneak peek at an exciting new Elephant and Macaw Banner project in […]

  2. The Botat Battle - The Elephant and Macaw Banner

    […] spectacular image of the Botat by Carolina Mylius is just a sneak peek at an exciting new Elephant and Macaw Banner project in […]

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